Barnhay, Bampton
Devon, EX16 9NG
1. Hire:
a) The ‘Hirer’ must be over 18 years of age and must be present in the Hall during the hire period and in the case of an organisation, their nominated representative must also be over 18 years of age and be present in the Hall during the hire period.
b) Application for the hire of the Hall shall be made on the official booking form and sent to the Bookings Clerk.
c) At all times the Conditions of Hall Hire must be observed and ‘Hirers’ will be expected to sign the booking form as evidence that they have agreed to the conditions.
d) Prior to the hire, arrangements to collect the Hall Keys shall be made with the Bookings Clerk. After the hire period the Hall shall be properly locked and secured and keys replaced in the wall-mounted letter box outside. Lost keys will be charged at £10.00.
e) All fees must be paid in advance except for regular ‘contract’ bookings, and in the event of a booking being cancelled with less than one week’s notice only half of the fee will be returned.
f) The right to refuse any applications received for the hire of the Hall, without assigning any reason, is reserved to the Committee or to the Committee Chairman acting on their behalf, provided that the refusal must not contravene the Hall’s objectives or breech equal opportunities principles and the Chairman will report their action to the next meeting of the Committee.
2. Health & Safety Regulations:
Health & Safety Regulations can be found in the Hall on the Hirers’ Noticeboard. The Hirer shall, if preparing, serving or selling food, observe all relevant Food, Health and Hygiene regulations. If using catering equipment the Hirer is to bring their own tea towels and dishcloths. An event ‘First Aider’ is the responsibility of the ‘Hirer’.
3. Children:
At all events children must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, carer, or responsible adult who are accountable for their Health & Safety. Unaccompanied children are not permitted in the kitchen.
4. Damage:
a) The Hirer is responsible for any damage caused to furniture, fittings, crockery, utensils etc.
b) The Hirer must report to a member of the Committee as soon as possible any failure of Hall equipment through their fault and/or damage.
c) The Hall curtains should be pulled with care and children should not be allowed to play with them.
5. Public Entertainment & Licenses:
a) A Temporary Event Notice (TEN) may be given for carrying out licensable activities (i.e. sale and supply of alcohol, provision of regulated entertainment and the provision of late-night refreshment) on a temporary basis - for example, a 'one off' or occasional event.
b) A Temporary Event Notice form is obtainable from Mid Devon District Council (the licensing authority). This can be downloaded from their website or telephone 01884 255255.
c) It is the responsibility of the Hirer to confirm with Mid Devon District Council whether or not an event requires a Temporary Event Notice.
d) A TEN obtained for an event must be seen by the Hall Bookings Clerk and the conditions attached to the granting of such a notice must be strictly observed.
e) The Hall limits the number of people allowed at any one time to 100, or 70 if seated.
f) For functions open to the public there must be no re-admission after 10.30pm, no music after 11.00pm and all functions must end promptly by 12 midnight.
g) Organisers of events at which copyright music is performed in public shall be responsible for obtaining a licence from the Performing Rights Society.
h) The organisers of an event where a fee is payable for the public performance of recorded music (e.g. records, tapes, cassettes, CD’s etc.) shall be responsible for obtaining the necessary licence from Phonographic Performance Limited.
6. Intoxicating Liquors & Drugs - Betting, Gaming & Lotteries:
a) No intoxicating liquors are permitted to be bought or sold on any part of the premises without the hirer obtaining the appropriate licence a copy of which will be required by the Committee.
b) Care shall be taken to avoid excessive consumption of alcohol and alcohol shall not be served to any person suspected of being drunk or under the age of 18.
c) No illegal drugs must be brought onto the premises.
d) The Hirer shall ensure that neighbours to the Hall are not disturbed in any way as a result of excessive noise or violent or criminal behaviour.
e) Nothing shall be done on or in relation to the premises in contravention of the law relating to betting, gaming and lotteries, and the person or organisation to whom the Hall is let shall be responsible for seeing that the requirements of the relevant legislation are strictly observed.
7. Animals:
No animals (including birds) except Guide Dogs are to be brought in the Hall, other than for a special event agreed by the Committee. No animals are to enter the kitchen at any time.
8. Insurance:
a) Insurance Company: Insured through Ecclesiastical
b) The Hall is insured against any claims arising out of its own negligence.
c) The Hirer shall be responsible for making arrangements to insure against any third-party claims which may lie against them (or the organisation if acting as a representative) whilst using the Hall.
d) Nothing shall be done that will render invalid insurance policies relating to the Hall or contents.
e) The Trustees will not hold themselves responsible for any loss of personal property left in the Hall, cloakroom or in the vicinity of the premises.
9. Car Parking:
a) The Hirer must encourage the use of the public car park unless a disabled badge holder.
b) The Hirer must ensure that cars are not parked which may cause an obstruction at the entrance or exit from the Hall.
c) The Hirer must ensure that a minimum of noise is made on arrival and departure.
d) The Trustees will not hold themselves responsible for any loss of personal property or damage to vehicles left in the vicinity of the premises or the public car park.
10. Housekeeping:
a) The Hirer is responsible for ensuring that the ‘End of Hire Check List’ is observed which is displayed on the Hall Noticeboard for Hirers.
b) Litter shall not be left in or about the Hall premises and cigarette butts left outside the Hall must be cleared.
c) Under no circumstances will nails be driven into the walls or window frames.
d) Drawing Pins and Blue Tac may only be used in the designated Notice Board areas.
e) The Hirer is responsible for leaving the premises in a clean and tidy condition. If the Hirer fails in this respect, they will be charged for the time that is taken to clean.
f) The Hirer must ensure that all precautions are taken against the risk of fire and damage to the property and contents.
g) Fire Exits must be kept clear at all times.
h) A ‘no smoking’ policy must be observed at all times and for all events.
i) All crockery and utensils to be washed and returned to the cupboard(s) after use.
j) The Hall, toilets, kitchen and storeroom must be left in a clean and tidy condition.
k) After use chairs should be left tidy in the storeroom and not stacked more than five high.
l) Tables should be returned to the storeroom and stacked in the same manner as those already in position.
m) The Hirer is responsible for removing all refuse that has accumulated as a result of their activities.